View Sentiments of People with Strength-Based Philosophy

In the face of trouble, how many of us have been determined & resilient about this uncertain situation? This blog will rightly trigger questions that will help you be more self-aware of your employee’s strengths, as well as to find the missing link between Talent Management & Emotional Intelligence. Let’s exhibit the attribute of Empathy and Individualization to the sentiments of our People, dealing with Strength-based Philosophy.
It’s been seven months of lockdown and Work from home as a new norm. How’s it going with you all is not what I am going to ask? I am sure we all have a mix of all. Is it a new normal? Or Is abnormal? The answer will vary from all of you.
While putting my thoughts on my write up, I was drawn to write my notions on the present scenario while aligning the emotions and sentiments of people in the present pandemic. When I looked back to my journey of 18 years which I started in 2003 while being in Indian Army as Army Officer what people ask me today, very frequently is-What make a Jawan take a bullet on their chest? How can they be so motivated and What keeps them Going On even during a crisis? and the one Line reply to this is ‘Strength-Based Philosophy Leadership & Trust on their Leader’.
Strength-Based Leadership creates Team which are functional and effective and are based on these 3 Principles
A team which is based on following principles will show measurable outcomes and efficiency in their productivity.
What Does Strength-Based Leadership Do?
Some of the frequently asked questions to me on this topic are
- Does this mean that we don’t reflect and accept our dark side or weaknesses?
- We have strengths so why are we not successful in our domains?
- Strengths are good to know, but why not clear the weakness?
Well, there are a lot of questions lots more can be there on this and all these are generally done in my coaching sessions. Let me ask you What are we aiming Happiness or Excellence Prevention of Failures. Do you know the inborn talents that we have even govern our emotions? The Negative emotions are the blind spots and get visible when talents are not managed well. Having ideas in your head is a talent but what does it makes you feel when you don’t get space to discuss about them and to further give them shape.
So, how does it makes you feel with such talent if not managed well?
That’s how the Ideation is not being leashed and hence it leads to reflection of the blind spot. When the same talent is curated and gets space and opportunity with other team members it becomes a Strength-Based Team. And creates Innovation and Transformation in an organization thus achieving Competitive Advantage in the industry. Let’s dive deeper What are your emotions and Sentiments during this Pandemic?
Stressful_Anxious at Work_Strength
How do you feel during this Pandemic?
- Anxious
- Uncertain
- Angry
- Frustrated
- Happy
- Hopeful
- Opportunist
- Amazing
- Positive
- Empower yourself and your team by being Self Aware through Strength-Based Philosophy.
Read More on: Pandemic Positively Changing Perceptions of Lives
The Knack of Being Self-Aware
Quantify yourself in these emotions for the past 7 months. Both emotions Positive and Negative are due to awareness and unawareness of your Talents. Studies have proven the fact that it is easy to identify negativities, negative traits and things in any situation or person. By being Self Aware we remove ignorance of giving judgemental views in the organization. Knowing inborn natural talents open doors of success and partnerships in the teams and thus increasing EBITDA of the organization.
Talking about emotions and sentiments of people. Whom you think will be more successful and who are being more successful? People who are just being anxious or who have taken opportunities during this Pandemic? I think the answer is simple and clear. People who know their Talents well and have been using them with all the blind spots associated with it. Strength-Based Philosophy states to use your talents in different situations just the way a carpenter uses his beautiful tools to beautify his scriptures. That’s the MAGIC of strength-based Philosophy. People who know their talents and have used them appropriately at right time and right place are most successful and happy in life. Whereas people who are unaware of their Talents are found anxious and lost
Watch Video Interview on Harnessing Employee Strengths by Ravi Kumar
Happy at Work Strength Philosophy
Challenges in the Path of Self Awareness
These are certain problems people need more light on.
- How should I achieve my aim?
- How should I set my Goals?
- How do I make my dysfunctional teams functional in an organization?
As Margaret Mead, Cultural Anthropologist says “ Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”Knowing strengths is a business strategy and advocates that each person is guided with his or her unique talents and hence what is stimulating for you can be tedious or uninspiring for him/ her. So a deeper understanding and anticipation of perceptions of Strength of People empowers and Develop people and team.
The Inspirit Way
This article rightly talks about the significance of the Strength-Based Leadership & a True Leader will strive to understand not only the employee but also their strengths. Namrata has beautifully highlighted the importance of being self-aware about one’s talents & emotions. Talent Acquisition & guiding an employee through the Employee Experience path is high can definitely be improved by following the Strength-Based Philosophy.