Digital Yoga – A Stride towards Corporate Wellness

In the brief course of the ‘Work From Home’ Routine, every employee yearns a break. This Digital Yoga Module pumped an extra dose of life & energy into every participant, while you stretch your body out. Letting go of your hectic schedule for some time, as you take a break for this venture is worth its time. We inculcated this Yoga practice to listen to one’s body and build on a healthy foundation.
The Big Idea
Commemorating the International Day of Yoga
Yoga is an intimidating term for people who haven’t practised this wellness venture. The Upside-down asana, the Yogi demonstrating a hard-to-believe posture is a quick image one could resonate with. The prominent reason for observing 21st June every year is to break stereotypes of the traditional practice and look at it as a quickly adaptable set of fitness exercises. These when routinely practised can have transformational effects on one’s body, mind, and soul. Various Corporate firms over the years have adopted Yoga as a crucial step toward Employee Wellness. This day of observance is not only commemorated for a day but is used by every organization is kickstart a healthy habit of Team Digital Yoga with its colleagues as they continue the same throughout the year to reap its benefits. Gathering all employees together & practising in unison can imbibe the sense of team collaboration during this ‘Work from Home’ phase. Inspirit fulfilled the task of communicating all the layers of advantages that every employee could experience, while they indulged in this transformational route to achieve Zen.
The Problem
Work From Home Boredom
One of India’s FTTH Broadband Infrastructure Providers opted to give a relaxing break to its employees with a fun virtual session. This organization is a mixed blend of ground operations with field employees, as well as individuals who manage tasks at micro & macro levels. Getting them out of their cubicles was a task, while the firm recognized the drooping energy and enthusiasm amongst its workforce. The on-field employees functioned without a break, even during the lockdown phases to live up to the brand’s name. Consumers & potential new customers were treated with utmost attention, even during this time of global economic uncertainty. The organization felt the need to honour & boost the employees who are responsible for this explicit client service. Every employee in this firm is a treasured asset, who is the brand’s ambassador.
Providing this Broadband Infrastructure Provider with an intimate wellness venture to reduce burnout was essential to make note of. The increased amount of work while one works from home is an issue every employee faces today. With Pan India’s presence and continuous vigorous tasks at hand to dispose of them the table, always kept them on top of a ticking clock. Apart from this, poor ergonomic conditions at home, cosy sitting spaces than comfortable cubicles, time & attention draining with long video call cum discussions, and drastic decrease of physical movement of the other staff were all contemplated to devise a perfect plan.
Check this article on How Desktop Yoga Practice is a Perfect Stress Buster
The Solution
A Soothing Self-Discovery Experience
On the occasion of the International Day of Yoga, this Corporate got an exceptional opportunity to organize a Team Yoga Retreat. An unwinding session filled with a soothing wellness experience. We encouraged every employee’s family member to join this amazing session, to leverage and inculcate the healthy notion of group yoga. This was the first Virtual event experience by the employees of the Broadband providers’ firm. Starting the day with this Yoga practice, was the best decision to jumpstart a fabulous day. The Digital Yoga Wellness began with an easy warm-up, that glued everyone to their screens. Stretching the practice range right from breathing techniques, pranayama, eye exercises, and Yoga asanas that realign the spinal cord, and stretch muscles to incorporating a simple flexibility routine for individuals of all age groups made the practice seem easy to adapt.
Many children even below the age of 12, made it a point to try out a few asanas along with their parents before they start their virtual coaching lessons. Corporate wellness will never lose its shines even during this juncture of working from home, rather it should be regular practice with the team for enhancing productivity and boosting them towards a healthy and active lifestyle. Tips & hacks to perform this easy-to-follow Digital Yoga were shared by the Corporate Trainer, which motivated every employee to indulge in this wellness routine before starting their day can be extremely beneficial. With all the hustle around us Yoga motivates natural alignment of the body with mobility and flexibility, which allows one to move freely, with ease, and with reduced stress on the mind and body,
The Outcome
Refreshed Employees Back on Track
Outstanding feedback was received from the organization and its employees. Such opportunities pass by very rarely, thus transforming it into a happy & healthy initiative for the workforce is mandatory. This Pan India FTTH Service Provider witnessed a virtually designed seamless event through the advancement of technology, which was truly a proud moment for all. While modern technology offers countless benefits, the repetitive movement patterns that digital devices demand can cause neck and shoulder strain, back problems, and a shallow breathing pattern that drains employees’ energy levels. Our curated Yoga Venture bought all the employees together, to focus on the brighter side of life. This booster helped them in functioning a notch higher than they would usually do, A refreshing dose of confidence a work, brand connection, loads of laughter, teaching the future generation this effective wellness methodology, and celebrating health & fitness in unison with the organization were some of the foundation stones laid on this International Day of Yoga.
The Inspirit Way
At Inspirit we make sure every employee walks out of the event with a new YOU and an enthusiastic mindset. We make our Corporate Digital Yoga class accessible to every individual of your organization that gives in a personalized touch to the virtual event. Our Certified Corporate Yoga trainers know how to start with newcomers slowly & steady as well as to adapt poses for all levels of practitioners. Get in touch with us for a tailor-made Wellness Venture for a perfect team engagement.