How to Improve Workplace Culture in an Organization?

With Change Management as a primary topic of my last blog, here I have reflected on another very common but a critical issue, many organization and individuals are facing in the current era, How to make employees focused towards their goal and how to create a solution-focused culture within the organization? Here is a 6 Step Model that can be used as a wonderful start to create high-performance teams & super organizations.
A Solution-Focused Approach
Many times we see the employees more focusing on problem parts rather than concentrating on solutions. Often we face so much reluctance from their end by accepting new normals or adopting innovations or this may be in their routine life as well. Most of the time the solutions are so simple and easy to implement but employees can’t reach those areas, maybe due to the aura they have created around them, don’t allow them to think innovatively or to explore other option for solutions, which creates a lot of dissatisfaction and anxiety among them, and also push back to them and organisation’s growth too.
So basically here we need to deal with the attitude of people, and attitude is nothing but the way employees react/deal towards any situation, change, things etc. A negative people always believe to re-define the problems rather than a positive approach believes to focus on the solution part. As we know that the health of any organization depends on its employees working for it, and the organization can’t grow if its employees are more problem-oriented rather working in solution mode. However, as we know every lock has a key, similarly every problem has its solution, and it depends on the individual, and how he/she unlocks it.
- So it is important to direct employees to act with purpose.
- How to make them realize to pass their limits every day.
- How to convince them to use their setback to improve their skills.
- How to boost/motivate them to think out of the box towards solution parts.
How to Improve Workplace Culture: 6 Steps Model
So here we will expose a 6 Steps Model that I have designed with my professional experience, that can be used to deal with such a situation. The steps below explain some of the important factors that can help your organisation, to acquire a great Work Culture.
1. Setting up Clear Organization’s Vision/ Goal
Is the first and foremost step to direct the employees towards a clear vision, focusing on the result and building accountability among them. Setting a clear goal keeps employees more focused and together, especially in complex projects.
2. Hire the People with Purpose and Different Perspectives
Well after defining a clear organization’s objectives, the next crucial step is to hire the workforce accordingly. Right hiring can avoid many problems hence the hiring perspective should be very clear. There are so many innovative ways of recruitment where we can identify the skills of candidates like their ability to work with a team, relevant work experience, and creative problem-solving ability, strong online presence, multitasking and innovation and ability to fit in culture etc.
3. Inspire all with Purpose
Now your manpower is on board with a clear set of objectives and goals (Including existing manpower). The next step is to inspire them with the purpose to meet the company’s goal. Motivating and rewarding employees can lead the higher productivity and can help the organization to achieve a higher level of output. It develops self-confidence and gives them a magical/invisible problem-solving power, and that boosts them a adopt a positive attitude towards their project.
4. Engage the Workforce
In this step now your workforce is ready and motivated to take the project and also motivated to deal with expected / unexpected hurdles during the execution of the project. Now engage them more in the decision-making that would give them a sense of belongingness and responsibilities towards the project, rather than taking it as a burden. The more they will participate in the project, the greater will be their productivity and they will come up with new ideas/solutions to problems. This will somehow boost the morale of the manpower engaged in the project and drive them towards a solution-focused approach.
5. A Powerful Listening
The most powerful weapon is to be a good listener. Sometimes problem-solving and solution-finding can also be two different paradigms. So the most important is to listen to employees without interrupting and imposing solutions on them. Active listening can invite many ideas to rid-off off the problem. Listening to your employees during crucial times, can itself improve workplace culture to quite an extent.
6. Nurture Diverse Connection & Collaboration
At last but not least, to develop a culture of collaboration to create an extraordinary workforce. Create a culture of a diverse skill set to meet the project requirement. When a group of people with different skill sets come together and use their expertise for the benefit of an objective, nurture diverse connection and collaboration and that helps an organization to create a winning culture.
I am convinced that the above strategy (6 Steps Model), can help the organisation to improve its workplace culture. I would like to know your ideas too in the comments, that would help us deepen our knowledge of building a perfect workplace. Wishing a happy, healthy and positive work environment for everyone. Keep growing & Stay focused!