Blend, Shake, and Sip: Dive into the Art of Mocktail Making Workshops!

Indulge in Flavorful Creations: Join Our Vibrant Mocktail Workshop Experience! Mix, Muddle, and Master the Art of Mocktail Crafting with Your Team

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Learning #1

Agility Thinking

Learning #2


Learning #3

Boost Morale

Treasure Trails (Tech-enabled Hunt)” transforms ordinary locations into exciting treasure troves waiting to be discovered. Armed with smartphones, participants embark on an exhilarating high-tech treasure hunt. Teams follow digital clues, solve riddles, and navigate to hidden waypoints. Along the way, they uncover secrets and perform tasks, all while competing against the clock. This tech-driven adventure not only promotes teamwork, problem-solving, and navigation skills but also adds an element of excitement and competition to exploring the world around us. “Treasure Trails” makes your office and event venues more engaging and memorable for all the participants.

Award Winning Company With Proven Track Record

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Team Inspirit
Employee Engagement Company in Mumbai

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